Renters insurance that’s set up for you

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renters insurance policy comparisons

Keep your home covered,
no matter what happens

Renters insurance keeps your family, dwelling space and possessions protected against unforeseen events like damage, injury, theft and more.

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    Cover the cost of damaged or stolen belongings

    Your landlord’s insurance only covers the cost to repair the building, so it’s crucial to protect your personal property. A VIU by HUB Advisor can provide tailored renters insurance quotes to do just that.
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    Protect yourself with liability coverage

    Liability coverage may include medical and property damage expenses and legal fees, so you can safeguard your finances if you cause accidental bodily injury to a third party or damage to a third party’s property.
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  • Graphic of a house with a lightning bolt above

    Get reimbursed if something happens to your home

    In the event of structural damage, renters insurance can cover the cost of additional living expenses like hotels and meals if your rental home becomes temporarily unlivable.
Illustration of hand holding a phone to see insurance quotes

Instant quotes,
every time

We’ll autofill your details so you can compare renters insurance quotes in just a couple of clicks.

Learn more about renters insurance

Check out our FAQs or call 833-495-2748 to speak with an expert insurance advisor.

Renters insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers a tenant’s personal property in a rented apartment, condo or home. It usually also provides liability protection and loss of use coverage if you're not able to remain in your rental due to a covered event.

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Read “Your ultimate guide to renters insurance”

While your landlord's insurance typically covers the building itself, it doesn't tend to cover a tenant’s personal belongings in case of damage or theft – or liability if someone is injured in your space. Renters insurance helps fill that gap to keep you financially protected against the unexpected.

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A standard renters policy typically includes coverage for personal property, liability and additional living expenses if your home is rendered unlivable. It can also protect against perils like fire, theft and vandalism and more.

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The cost of renters insurance varies depending on factors like the amount of coverage you need, your location, and the insurance provider. However, it’s generally affordable, with many policies ranging between $15-$30 per month.

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The amount of coverage you need depends on the value of your personal belongings and the level of liability protection you wish to have. Conducting a home inventory can give you a better idea of how much coverage you need for your possessions, but VIU by HUB Advisor can help you determine the specifics.

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Coverage is generally specific to the individual policyholder and their property. Some policies may allow adding a roommate, but each person's belongings and liabilities are generally better covered under their own separate policy.

Read "Insurance considerations before moving in together”

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Insurance experts who have your back

VIU by HUB Advisors offer bias-free policy guidance and tailored expertise to keep you fully protected — every step of the way.

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    All your policies,
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    Immediate results and clear comparisons

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    Smart advice,
    tailored to you

    Lean on experienced VIU by HUB Advisors for guidance and peace of mind.

A panoramic outlook on
all things insurance

The VIU Point is here to help you make sense of it all, so you can confidently compare renters insurance quotes and make the best policy decisions overall.