Car Insurance in Seattle
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Why Do You Need Car Insurance in Seattle?
Seattle is a city of extremes, both good and bad. On one hand, housing costs in Seattle are 100% higher than the U.S. average. On the other hand, the city has a solid economy, great entertainment options and plenty of places for families to visit, such as the 500 acres of dunes, plants and hiking trails at Discovery Park. Good car insurance is a necessity, but the high cost of living means you need to find ways to get the most bang for your buck.
How Many Car Accidents Happen in Seattle, WA?
As you may expect in a city of 725,000 people, traffic accidents are common in Seattle. In 2022, there were about 8,400 crashes within the city. That's equal to 160 a week or over 30 every day.
Even more alarming is that the number of serious injuries and fatalities in Seattle seems to be increasing. Nearly 40 people died from crashes in 2022.
If you take into account the surrounding region, the number of accidents jumps to almost 30,000. About 5,000 of those crashes, or one in six, cause minor or major injuries. When shopping for car insurance in Seattle, you need to make sure that your policy covers the cost of treatment for injuries that you or your family members sustain in a crash. VIU by HUB makes it easy to compare plans.
What If You Don't Commute to Work?
Approximately 40% of workers in Seattle commute by automobile. Almost 100,000 households (20%) in Seattle have remote jobs and work from home. Another 20% of workers use the city's buses, light rail transit, ferries and streetcars to reach work.
If you drive your vehicle to work every day, it's obvious that you need high-quality car insurance. What if you're one of the business professionals who works from home or uses public transit? You still need to make sure your insurance coverage is sufficient for your driving needs.
The majority of families in Seattle own one vehicle (40%), and nearly as many own two (35%) or more (15%). So, even if you walk to work, your family probably takes a car when shopping, visiting friends and family or traveling out of town. With a vehicle, it's a breeze to get to Kerry Park for your morning jog or grab fresh veggies at Pike Place Market.
Why Do Car Accidents Happen in Seattle?
Knowing why car crashes happen helps you avoid risky situations and gives you an idea of the insurance coverage your family should prioritize.
Distracted Drivers
Around Seattle, about 5,000 car crashes involved distracted driving. This includes people who text behind the wheel.
There were over 1,500 alcohol-related crashes in Seattle in 2022. Intoxicated drivers can cause serious injuries and fatalities.
Some experts believe that the increase in severe injuries and fatal car crashes in Seattle is related to more driver aggression. Angry drivers are more likely to follow too close behind you or try to run red lights.
How Much Does Car Insurance Cost Here?
The average premium for Seattle auto insurance is about $1,100. This is several hundred dollars higher than the state average, though many factors can affect your family's costs, including the type of vehicle you drive.
Using VIU by HUB is a fantastic way to save money and improve your coverage. You can compare quotes from multiple insurers and tweak different types of car insurance in Seattle, such as collision, comprehensive and personal injury coverage.
This information is intended for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice.